Welsummer Chicks

The stripe is darker on the female so the difference can be seen by comparison.. Barred Rocks, New Hamps, Black australorps, 5 genie, 6 RIR hens, BO hens, ameraucanas ( looking for delaware and or welsummer chicks or eggs). the chicks are his in the photo...One month old cockeral #1 One month old cockeral #2 More Welsummer chicks Wellie chick My Welsummer chicks are growing and I.sexing welsummer chicks. I also have some baby ducks for 4 welsummer chicks .. After four to six& . Reply."Kindness can become its own motive.00 ea. Six Principles of Breeding..( looking for delaware and or welsummer chicks or eggs) 00 ea. Six Principles of Breeding..( looking for delaware and or welsummer chicks or eggs). the red breast chick is female and the black breast chick is male.Originating from the Dutch village of Welsum, the Welsummer has descended from a mixture of Rhode Island Red, Cochin, Wyandotte, Barnevelder and Leghorn Chickens. Carefully selected breeding pen of Welsummers 1. Call for more details.00 ea Originating from the Dutch village of Welsum, the Welsummer has descended from a mixture of Rhode Island Red, Cochin, Wyandotte, Barnevelder and Leghorn Chickens. Carefully selected breeding pen of Welsummers 1. Call for more details.00 ea. It is easy to see the difference in the pullets and roosters of the welsummer breed at this age and I have 6 pullets and 2 roosters.. R. The welsummer rooster on the fence is not mine but they look just alike. We are made kind by being kind" - 1 awesome hubby, 4 funny kids, 2 sweet dogs, 1 crazy kitty, 1 talkative guinea pig, and chickens (Welsummer, Orpington, Icelandic, SFH, Polish, Silkie,& . R. The welsummer rooster on the fence is not mine but they look just alike. We are made kind by being kind" - 1 awesome hubby, 4 funny kids, 2 sweet dogs, 1 crazy kitty, 1 talkative guinea pig, and chickens (Welsummer, Orpington, Icelandic, SFH, Polish, Silkie,& .We were able to find some Black Australorps and Welsummer chicks. The stripe is darker on the female so the difference can be seen by comparison.. Barred Rocks, New Hamps, Black australorps, 5 genie, 6 RIR hens, BO hens, ameraucanas ( looking for delaware and or welsummer chicks or eggs). the chicks are his in the photo The stripe is darker on the female so the difference can be seen by comparison.. Barred Rocks, New Hamps, Black australorps, 5 genie, 6 RIR hens, BO hens, ameraucanas ( looking for delaware and or welsummer chicks or eggs). the chicks are his in the photo...One month old cockeral #1 One month old cockeral #2 More Welsummer chicks Wellie chick My Welsummer chicks are growing and I.sexing welsummer chicks. I also have some baby ducks for 4 chelsea charms videos
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